The Sweet Sensation

The Sweet Sensation – A Sweet Nutritious Healthy Smoothie

A dazzling sweet nutritious summer smoothie using a balanced mix of core healthy ingredients with the added aromas of a ripe nectarine. Rich in Vitamins A, B(B1,B2, B3 B6), C, E, K, calcium, magnesium folate, potassium. Perfect to enjoy in the summer sunshine. Just make sure the bees don’t steal your nectar!


  • Handful Of Kale
  • Handful Of Spinach
  • 1 Cooked Beetroot
  • 1 Apple
  • Half A Pineapple
  • 1 Nectarine
  • 1 Lemon
  • A Thumb Of Ginger
  • 1 Passion Fruit
  • 2 Tablespoons Of Flax Seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon MCT Oil
  • ½ Pint Of Water
  • 12 Ice Cubes


  1. Wash the kale and spinach and add to your blender.
  2. Chop off the top of the pineapple. Slice the remaining bit in half. Peel of the skin and slice into bits (I usually divide into 8 pieces). Chuck them in.
  3. Throw in the beetroot.
  4. Add the flax seeds.
  5. Slice the apple into quarters, cut away the seeded parts and add to the blender.
  6. Peel the skin of the ginger either with your knife or a potato peeler. Chop into smaller bits and chuck them in.
  7. Cut the nectarine in half and twist with your hands. Either scoop out the seed or cut the side left with the seed in half and twist again. Throw the pieces in.
  8. Peel the skin of the lemon, cut in half, deseed any visible seeds with your knife and add them in.
  9. Cut the passion fruit in half and scoop the insides into your blender.
  10. Attach the blender to the rest of it.
  11. Add a tablespoon of MCT Oil
  12. Pour in about half a pint of water into the blender.
  13. Mix until the consistency is smooth and free of any lumps.
  14. Add in about 8 cubes of ice.
  15. Mix it again.
  16. Divide the remaining ice cubes between the number of glasses, or into the storage container (keeps it nice and cool while you drink it).
  17. Pour out the smoothie as desired.
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